We have developed unique concepts that enable you and our partners to participate in sustainable projects.

Our Goal

Connecting people with sustainable projects
We have developed unique concepts that enable our partners to participate in sustainable projects.

Your own forest

Do you want to invest your money securely? Invest in a raw material that grows back. And thanks to the growing global demand, it offers you the prospect of a secure return even in times of crisis.

Your own farm

Are you looking for a safe haven for your money outside the Eurozone? We will be happy to show you how your dream of Plan B for your life can become a very concrete “Plan P”.


The fastest growing hardwood tree in the world

At GTP we work with the fastest growing hardwood tree in the world. This means our forests grow particularly quickly and therefore actively protect the natural and rainforest.
Learn More ABout Our TREES
Our vision and ambition

Preserve the native forests of Paraguay

Planting trees is the most efficient way to reduce CO2in the atmosphere and counteract the consequences of climate change. Paraguay offers a number of unique conditions that make it an optimal location for afforestation projects.
Learn More About Our Mission

The people behind GTP

CEO der GTP AG: Jörg Schäfer


Founder, CEO
Jörg is CEO of Global TREE Project AG Switzerland and has over 30 years of experience in the field of sustainable investments. He has participated in numerous large projects in the field of renewable energy around the world.


Founder, COO
Alf has more than 25 years experience as manager and consultant for leading private financial institutions around the world. Alf started his financial career in the early 1990s as district manager of Bausparkasse Mainz.


Reto is the Chief Operating Officer of Global TREE Project AG and has 30 years of experience in the operational development of companies in a global context, particularly in companies that use digital tokens. He is very well connected in this area.


Founder & forestation expert
After completing his commercial professional training Andreas held various positions in international trade and logistics companies until 1989.


Since his studies in St. Gallen, Switzerland Phillip Sebastian Rusch has been working in the field of finance and capital markets. After graduating in 2002, he began his career in the financial market.
Win-Win Situation

Good For Nature

Through reforestation we bring fallow areas back to life. In this way, we restore conditions for the native forest to reclaim its habitat and re-establish a healthy and thriving ecosystem.
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Win-Win Situation

Good For People

Besides doing justice to nature. we want to include the local people, who live in and of it. Fair compensation is therefore are a given. Just like our commitment to local charity projects.
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