Become a forest owner with sustainable returns

With our TreeCycle project, you can invest in the earning power of individual trees and generate attractive long-term returns. But do you want to invest on a larger scale? We also offer you this possibility. Become a forest owner and benefit from regular income from sustainable forestry with the forest concept.

  • Over 10 years of experience in Eucalyptus planting

  • Gigantisches Wachstum zwischen 5-7 m pro Jahr

  • In one of the most established and oldest asset class

The Business Model

Through our partner company, La Rivera in Paraguay, we reforest fallow land with our fast-growing eucalyptus while protecting the remaining primeval forest. The reforestations now cover a total area of 4,500 hectares. The wood is harvested at regular intervals and then sold in the name and on behalf of our investors – preferably at regional markets and without long transport routes. Do you prefer to sell to third parties? As a forest owner, you are of course free to do that as well. In any case, the buyer transfers the proceeds directly to an account specified by you.

Favorable entry, long-term returns

The opportunity is inexpensive: you can become a forest owner by purchasing a minimum area of half a hectare. Your contract runs for a period of 22 years. During this time, you can regularly and permanently earn attractive income by selling a total of five crops. These are taxed as income from agriculture and forestry.

Become a forest owner: This is how it works

After the available area for “purchase and cultivation” is sold to you, an irrevocable land register-secured right of use with the GPS data according to the purchase deed is entered into the title of the land for you. For this purpose, you authorize us, when signing the purchase and management contract, to register in your name and for your account an irrevocable, land-register-secured right of use in a notarial contract with La Rivera S. A. and for execution under land-register law. In other words: You are now the owner of the forest area you have purchased and therefore, of course, you are also listed in the land register.

Here's how it continues after 22 years

At the end of the contract period you have the choice: You want to sell your irrevocable right of use to another person? If you wish, we can appoint an appraiser to assess the market value of your property. Do you prefer to remain a forest landowner and use your land as forest or agricultural land beyond the 22-year period? No problem – we will gladly make you an extension offer


The fastest growing hardwood tree in the world

An investment in wood is always a long-term investment. With GTP you invest your money in the fastest growing hardwood tree in the world. This means that your yields will also grow rapidly.
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Existing primeval forest is preserved

We plant our Eucalyptus trees on fallow land. Existing primeval forest will not be cleared for this purpose. On the contrary: through our cultivation, we enrich fallow land with nutrients again over time. In this way, we create the conditions for the primeval forest to reclaim these areas in the long term.
More about our native forest protection

Your advantages as a forest owner at a glance

  • Renewable yields
  • Regular attractive income from forestry
  • Ecological and sustainable management: felled trees are replanted in equal numbers
  • Many years of experience and specialists on site
  • Preservation of the habitat of native plants and animal species through long management periods.
  • Sale of raw wood preferably on local regional markets in Paraguay
With your decision to become a forest owner, you create a win-win-win situation – good for your portfolio, good for the primeval forest and good for the local people.

On site for you: our specialists

The management of your forest land in Paraguay is done by the local La Rivera S.A. The company, founded in 2010
  • is the market leader in sustainable reforestation in Paraguay
  • With over 4,500 hectares of reforested forest stands
  • has excellent access to land that can be farmed or reforested
Currently, La Rivera employs just over 60 full-time employees. They are proven specialists with many years of experience in the management of agricultural and forestry land. Our local staff will take care of everything for you from planting to harvesting to selling. With your investment in reforestation and sustainable forestry, you are not only supporting a measure that makes a valuable contribution to the fight against climate change, but also to the local economy.

How we protect the native forest

Our type of reforestation has two goals. On the one hand, we naturally want to generate a decent return for our investors. On the other hand – and this is the higher goal – we want to protect the Paraguayan virgin forest from further destruction, renaturalize it and allow it to spread again over time. And this is how we implement it:
  • 1

    Monoculture as savior of the primeval forests in Paraguay

    Our industrial reforestation prevents further deforestation of the rainforest. Previously unused soil can thus provide urgently needed wood through our reforestation efforts. Otherwise, the timber demand would be taken from the still existing virgin forest stand.

  • 2

    Prepare the ground for the primeval forest again

    It is only through our eucalyptus cultivation that the soil is again enriched with nutrients. Only this will enable the primeval forest to spread again in the long term. Our long-term goal is to give the virgin forest room to spread again over time.

  • 3

    Active protection and maintenance of the acquired virgin forest remnant.

    Still existing primeval forest stands, which we acquire with the areas, are not cleared but protected. Currently, in addition to our eucalyptus areas, we manage more than 200 hectares of virgin forest, which we actively protect.

  • 4

    Reintroduction of the plundered tropical woods (Nativas).

    The precious woods, which are so important for the ecosystem but have been largely plundered, are being added back to the virgin forest stand. Among others, the following precious wood species are reforested: Cedro, West Indian Cedrel, Lapacho, Yvyra Pyta, Paraguayan Rosewood, Guatambú and Peterevy.

All info about our offers

Would you like to learn more and get an overview of our offers with renewable raw materials? We will be happy to send you more info by email.
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Why Paraguay?

Paraguay is the result of a long search. Many factors and criteria played an important role in the search for a suitable location. Paraguay offers unique advantages for investors and expatriates. It provides optimal conditions for reforestation. The economic, social and legal conditions are also optimal. To introduce you to the country, its advantages and opportunities, we have created a short film for you.

The heart of Latin America:

Seven convincing reasons for Paraguay


Discover with us the heart of Latin America

Travel with us through beautiful Paraguay. Get to know our reforestation areas, the country and its culture.
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