Our Sponsoring Association:
Die Angel e.V.

We accompany local people beyond their daily work within the scope of our projects. To do so we are collaborating with the association “Die Angel e.V.”. The non-profit association takes care of the interests of the people in Paraguay and is actively involved in social projects that support and strengthen local infrastructure.
This includes for example:
- Setting up of kindergartens and schools
- Setting up of hospitals for people with disabilities
- Setting up of facilities for other disadvantaged persons
- Promoting environmental protection projects
- Promoting projects for drinking water production

Our Matter of Cause
We don't wait for others to do something. We take the initiative ourselves. We accept our own responsibility and move forward. Our partners and employees enter into a long-term relationship with us. We are there for people when they need us and accept our responsibility towards our partners, nature and future generations.
Investment in the Good Cause
Even in emergency situations Die Angel e.V. provides fast and unbureaucratic assistance. As in spring 2020 the association delivered a batch of relief goods to Paraguay to help alleviate consequences of the corona pandemic for local people. The commitment of the association is supported by the joint commitment of Global TREE Project AG and its partners.

Die Angel e.V.
Our association's purpose is to stimulate charity and responsibility towards children, teenagers, and adults in need in Paraguay and to contribute in times of need. In this, we promote, organize and finance causes and projects that improve the living conditions of these people to enable a better integration into society.

Andreas Jelinek

Lilian Ines Talavera Cristaldo
For donations of 200,- EUR or more, please state your full name and address in the reason for payment.
IBAN: DE50 7835 0000 0040 8586 72
Sparkasse Coburg-Lichtenfels
Sparkasse Coburg-Lichtenfels