Growth at an express pace

The centerpiece of our plantings: a particularly fast-growing Eucalyptus. The variety we use is perfectly adapted to the climate and soil conditions in Paraguay. As a result, we achieve growth of 5-7 m per year. Namely, high-quality hardwood, which is in demand on the timber market.

  • Tree growth from 5-7 m per year

  • Hardwood in demand and of high quality

  • Hardy and pest resistant

A perfect choice: Eucalyptus.

In order to adequately serve the needs of the processing industries, two things are therefore required: firstly, the trees planted in nurseries should grow as quickly as possible, thus enabling rapid harvesting and marketing. Secondly, the harvested raw wood should be of such high quality that good prices can be achieved with the wood. We have therefore made the eucalyptus the centerpiece of our project – not just any eucalyptus, but the fastest-growing eucalyptus in the world. The trees we have planted are growing at a record-breaking rate – both in height and width.

Eucalyptus - a raw material in great demand

Wood is a raw material in demand worldwide – that has always been the case, and it won’t change.

Outdoor surface coverings

Building wood for constructions and scaffolding

Power Poles

Firewood and energy source

Outdoor Terraces

High-quality and long-lasting furniture

Decorative items and objects

Heavy-duty floors and parquets indoors

Windows, doors and winter gardens

Sustainable disposable items

Posts and fences

For textiles and clothing

High-quality hardwood in particular can be used for a wide range of applications – from furniture construction to frames and window sills as well as paneling to use as so-called structural timber in house or ship building. According to an estimate by FEPAMA, the Paraguayan Timber Industry Association, the annual demand in Paraguay alone corresponds to an area under cultivation of 100,000 hectares.

The right tree in the right location

The variety we use is extremely low in oils. On the one hand, this means that all the energy of the tree actually goes into the rapid growth of the wood. In addition, this special circumstance makes our plantations extremely resistant to fires. In addition, eucalyptus loves water-rich locations – and Paraguay is one of the most water-rich countries in the world.

All info about our offers

Would you like to learn more and get an overview of our offers with renewable raw materials? We will be happy to send you more info by email.
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Write us an email at: support@gtp.ch

Why Paraguay?

Paraguay is the result of a long search. Many factors and criteria played an important role in the search for a suitable location. Paraguay offers unique advantages for investors and expatriates. It provides optimal conditions for reforestation. The economic, social and legal conditions are also optimal. To introduce you to the country, its advantages and opportunities, we have created a short film for you.

The heart of Latin America:

Seven convincing reasons for Paraguay


Discover with us the heart of Latin America

Travel with us through beautiful Paraguay. Get to know our reforestation areas, the country and its culture.

Next dates: 13.06. – 22.06.2024

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